Our goal. Your future.

The goal of the Pharmaceutical Engineering Program is to train graduate students who are proficient in using the modern tools of engineering analysis, built on a strong background in the mathematical, physical, chemical and biological sciences, for the design of pharmaceutical processes. Graduates will know how to apply engineering principles to interdisciplinary applications and work effectively in teams with other engineers and/or scientists. Our graduates will also know that it is important to engage in life-long learning in order to adapt to the constantly changing nature of cutting-edge technology. To this end, we teach students how to do critical, as well as thorough, objective-driven design exercises. Graduates are expected to be proficient in oral and written communication skills, to be team players and leaders. Graduates will have a good understanding of contemporary culture and issues necessary for good citizenship in our society and in the world.

The faculty in the Pharmaceutical Engineering Program are deeply committed to the development and education of future leaders in the pharmaceutical engineering field. They have created a mutually supportive stimulating environment to promote the individual and professional growth of the student community. The Master of Engineering in Pharmaceutical Engineering and Science curriculum is designed to:

Specifically, the Master of Engineering in Pharmaceutical Engineering and Science ensures that its graduates will have acquired:

  • the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to pharmaceutical processes;
  • the ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs;
  • the ability to function on multidisciplinary teams;
  • the ability to identify, formulate, and solve pharmaceutical engineering problems;
  • the understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
  • the ability to communicate effectively;
  • the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global/societal context;
  • a recognition of the need for an ability to engage in lifelong learning; and
  • a knowledge of contemporary issues.